
Sunday, November 13, 2016

Fulton Science Academy Zoo Atlanta Field Trip

The fourth and fifth grade classes had a wildly good time during their Atlanta Zoo field trip on Friday, October 28. Students participated in Classification Quiz Game Show seminar, during which they learned all about different types of animals and how they are classified. The students split up and competed against one another in groups, with the final result being a tie! During this time, they also met two special guests up close and personal: a skink that carries eggs during development and then gives birth to live young and a tortoise that the students all got to touch.

After the quiz show, students had a picnic-style lunch and took a train ride around the zoo's CandyLand setup. Finally, students separated into small groups and toured the zoo to visit all of the different animals. Thank you to all of the chaperones who helped make it a fun, educational, and successful field trip!

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