FSA Alma Mater - A Message from Dr. Hawk #fsacares Dear FSA Students, Parents, and Faculty: It has come to my attention that our school would benefit from an official school-wide "saying/school song” – an Alma Mater! I would love to write a musical piece that corresponds with a meaningful message that the FSA family will appreciate. We also want to create a song that students will be able to recall for many years to come! I seek the creativity of the entire FSA community in this endeavor, please. Whether you’re a talented songwriter, a poet, a creative writer, or a simple doodler, I would love to see your work and encourage you to please share your thoughts and feedback with me. Moving forward, we are looking for your thoughts and experiences about our school, ideally written in a poetic form. For example, what does FSA stand for? Why are we proud to be here? Why do we do what we do at FSA? What are our goals? Where do we see our future? Togetherness, hard work, perseverance…Can you sing STEAM? These are a few starting points to get you thinking. Please send all words of art to: ehawk@fultonscienceacademy.org and we’ll go from there. A collaboration between artists is really fun and reaps great personal reward. Additionally, the author of the selected submission(s) will be awarded with a $250 cash prize. Your contributions are paving the way for a brighter musical future here at FSA. Thank you for your ongoing support of our school. We appreciate you greatly! Dr. Eric Hawk FSA Music Department Chair

via Fulton Science Academy Private School http://ift.tt/2cUhJEC
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