Fulton Science Academy Private School Coins for a Cure Assembly 11 Alive
Fulton Science Academy Private School - Award Winning Educational Excellence - Focusing on S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) Education - Serving Advanced and Gifted Students
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Friday, September 30, 2016
Fulton Science Academy Private School Coins for a Cure Assembly Evening News
Fulton Science Academy Private School Coins for a Cure Assembly Evening News
Fulton Science Academy Private School Coins for A Cure Assembly 11 Alive
Fulton Science Academy Private School Coins for A Cure Assembly 11 Alive
Thursday, September 22, 2016
The middle and high school science departments will receive an abundance of new laboratory research equipment in the coming weeks. This brand new equipment will greatly enhance the classroom experience, preparing students for the college level and beyond.
Labs will be furnished with college-level basics like heated stir plates, scientific scales, refrigerated storage, and biohazard safety equipment. The upper level high school courses will also be working with advanced equipment such as DNA gel electrophoresis apparatus', carbon dioxide gas probes, and laboratory grade glassware.
"The opportunities that equipment like this provide are something most students typically don't experience until college," said AP Bio Professor Blake Shealy. "I am so happy that FSA supports our desire as teachers to engage our students in a way that is unlike anywhere else!"
Equipment is expected to arrive within the next week or so.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Fulton Science Academy End of Year Field Trip to New York
Fulton Science Academy Private School is planning an end of year trip to New York, April 27-30, 2017. This trip, which is applicable to students in grades 6-10, has limited space and registrations will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Application forms were sent home with students; duplicate copies can be obtained at the front desk. Some of the locations planned for the trip include: the Brooklyn Bridge Walk, Rockefeller Center, Cruise Tour/Statue of Liberty, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Times Square, Battery Park, The National Museum of Mathematics, Intrepid Air and Space Museum, Ellis Island, Central Park and the Top of the Rock Observation Deck.
To register, please complete the application form sent home with students and return it with your non-refundandable deposit no later than Wednesday, October 5. Thank you.
To register, please complete the application form sent home with students and return it with your non-refundandable deposit no later than Wednesday, October 5. Thank you.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Today was a record-breaking day at FSA as students raised $1,832 to help support Children's Cancer Research! Hundreds of of teachers and faculty arrived on campus this morning carrying $5 donations and dressed like pirates to celebrate "International Talk Like a Pirate Day." This day, which is recognized globally as an opportunity to do good things, seemed like a great chance to give our month-long fundraiser a fun and spirited nudge, and our students and faculty didn't disappoint.
Since September 1, 2016, our school has raised more than $5,000!
We would like to thank the parent volunteers who coordinated this fun day and have done so much to support our school. We would also like to congratulate the students who have worked tirelessly all month to raise money to help fund childhood cancer research.
Our fundraising efforts will conclude on Wednesday, September 28, and we will celebrate with a school-wide pep rally on Thursday, September 29 at 2 p.m. Due to space limitations, the rally will be for students and faculty only. We appreciate your kindness and understanding.
Since September 1, 2016, our school has raised more than $5,000!
We would like to thank the parent volunteers who coordinated this fun day and have done so much to support our school. We would also like to congratulate the students who have worked tirelessly all month to raise money to help fund childhood cancer research.
Our fundraising efforts will conclude on Wednesday, September 28, and we will celebrate with a school-wide pep rally on Thursday, September 29 at 2 p.m. Due to space limitations, the rally will be for students and faculty only. We appreciate your kindness and understanding.
2nd Grade Teachers as Pirates
Ahoy, Mateys! Second Grade Fulton Science Academy teachers, here, checking in to say "GREAT SHIP, LADS!" Today, our students raised more than $1,500 to support CURE, a local charity focused on finding a cure for childhood cancer. Fundraising efforts coincided with "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" a day that focuses upon doing good deeds for others. Since September 1, Fulton Science Academy students have raised more than $5,000 to help fund medical research to help find a cure for childhood cancer. Parents, faculty and students have pulled together to make this the largest fundraiser in the school's 15 year history. "Great ship (er, job), kids!" Way to go. We are so proud of you!

via Fulton Science Academy Private School http://ift.tt/2cCkU5x
Fulton Science Academy Announces Open Registration for 2016 Water Tower Competition
Fulton Science Academy Announces Open Registration for 2016 Water Tower Competition Middle School Students in Fulton County Encouraged to Enroll Before October 14 Deadline The registration is open for the 2016 Model Water Tower Competition, the first-ever contest of its type in Fulton County. The competition provides middle school aged students with a fun-filled, science-oriented contest that aims to introduce them to engineering and the water profession. The competition is being co-presented by Fulton Science Academy, Fulton County Public Works, and Alpharetta Public Works. Any child in grades 6-8 who resides or attends school in Fulton County is eligible to participate, but pre-registration is required before October 14. Students who attend school (including homeschool) in Fulton County are invited to participate. Registration Links follow: Team Registration link: http://ift.tt/2cy4hFZ Individual Registration link: http://ift.tt/2d5NtLI The Model Water Tower Competition requires students to design and build a water tower with specific size and height requirements. The models are judged based on 3 categories: hydraulic efficiency, structural efficiency, and design ingenuity/interview presentation. Grand prizes will be awarded to the “Top 3 Overall Models.” Specific scoring factors and project requirements can be found online. Students may work individually or as a team, with up to four students. (Please note: prizes must be shared between team members.) While the individual or student teams must build the models, parents are encouraged to coach and mentor their student through the design and build phase of the water tower model. The judging will take place on December 15, 2016 at the Fulton Science Academy Private School, starting at 10:00 am. For more information, including design requirements, please click here. #fsacares

via Fulton Science Academy Private School http://ift.tt/2cCEIcm
Friday, September 16, 2016
Fulton Science Academy Alma Mater
FSA Alma Mater - A Message from Dr. Hawk #fsacares Dear FSA Students, Parents, and Faculty: It has come to my attention that our school would benefit from an official school-wide "saying/school song” – an Alma Mater! I would love to write a musical piece that corresponds with a meaningful message that the FSA family will appreciate. We also want to create a song that students will be able to recall for many years to come! I seek the creativity of the entire FSA community in this endeavor, please. Whether you’re a talented songwriter, a poet, a creative writer, or a simple doodler, I would love to see your work and encourage you to please share your thoughts and feedback with me. Moving forward, we are looking for your thoughts and experiences about our school, ideally written in a poetic form. For example, what does FSA stand for? Why are we proud to be here? Why do we do what we do at FSA? What are our goals? Where do we see our future? Togetherness, hard work, perseverance…Can you sing STEAM? These are a few starting points to get you thinking. Please send all words of art to: ehawk@fultonscienceacademy.org and we’ll go from there. A collaboration between artists is really fun and reaps great personal reward. Additionally, the author of the selected submission(s) will be awarded with a $250 cash prize. Your contributions are paving the way for a brighter musical future here at FSA. Thank you for your ongoing support of our school. We appreciate you greatly! Dr. Eric Hawk FSA Music Department Chair

via Fulton Science Academy Private School http://ift.tt/2cUhJEC
Fulton Science Academy Hashtag
INTRODUCING OUR SCHOOL HASHTAG #fsacares For quite some time, we have discussed a desire to create a school-wide hashtag that reflects our school and our core values. We are happy to announce our new hashtag today. At FSA, we believe that everything begins with tenets of caring, kindness and compassion. From that foundation, other virtues such as handwork, professionalism, perseverance, altruism, etc., can be built. It is for this reason that we have chosen #fsacares as our school hashtag for the 2016-2017 school year. Caring is a broad word that applies to many different environments, including academics. At Fulton Science Academy... We care about our students and faculty… We care about academics… We care about the well-being of everyone here… We care about the community outside of our school walls... We care about anyone, at any time, who needs a helping hand… At FSA, we care about everyone, everyday…. We care, therefore we are successful…

via Fulton Science Academy Private School http://ift.tt/2cOURb6
Fulton Science Academy Service Learning Club
A small group of dedicated middle school students are working to develop a plan for an Environmental Improvement Service Learning Project with Ms. Rodgers. Students have spent the first couple of weeks of our club time brainstorming about what we could do to make an impact in our community that would utilize our specific knowledge and talents. Sometimes the answer is right in your own backyard! And students decided this is one of those times. Our new campus is such a wonderful place! It is an important part of our own sense of community. We would like to help make it more beautiful and useful for the FSAPS family. This will be the focus of our service learning this year. This week, students took a walk around the campus for the purpose of examining the condition of the outside areas. Next, club members will discuss their findings and begin planning how they can best help make our campus a place where we can all learn and thrive. Service Learning Club members can’t wait to get started!

A small group of dedicated middle school students are working to develop a plan for an Environmental Improvement Service Learning Project with Ms. Rodgers. Students have spent the first couple of weeks of our club time brainstorming about what we could do to make an impact in our community that would utilize our specific knowledge and talents. Sometimes the answer is right in your own backyard! And students decided this is one of those times. Our new campus is such a wonderful place! It is an important part of our own sense of community. We would like to help make it more beautiful and useful for the FSAPS family. This will be the focus of our service learning this year. This week, students took a walk around the campus for the purpose of examining the condition of the outside areas. Next, club members will discuss their findings and begin planning how they can best help make our campus a place where we can all learn and thrive. Service Learning Club members can’t wait to get started!

via Fulton Science Academy Private School http://ift.tt/2ctUcyW
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
#fsacares Hello, FSA Students and Parents, Our students are working so hard this year, not only with their academics, but also with our month-long fundraising effort, "Coins for a Cure." Monday, September 19, is "International Talk Like a Pirate Day." To infuse some fun into our school day and help support our fundraising efforts, any student or faculty member who brings a $5 donation to support our cancer research fundraiser on Monday, September 19, will earn a fun pirate eye patch. Participating students are also invited to dress like a pirate on Monday. (No fake weapons allowed, please.) Please be aware this activity is completely voluntary. We hope many of our children and faculty enjoy this fun day which, as you will read here (http://ift.tt/2cY3cZh) is actually celebrated globally as a chance to do good deeds. Let's show our FSA spirit because #fsacares.

via Fulton Science Academy Private School http://ift.tt/2cwOg6b
Monday, September 12, 2016
Monday, September 5, 2016
Fulton Science Academy Private School Mustang
Fulton Science Academy Private School Mustang
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Dear FSA Family,
It is with great pride that I invite my fellow parents, FSA students, and our incredible faculty to please join together for a noble cause.
“COINS FOR A CURE!” is a month-long fundraising initiative that will benefit children’s cancer research and the well-deserved local charity, CURE.
Tomorrow, Friday, September 2nd we would like all students and faculty members to dress down in yellow to kick off our fundraising initiative "COINS FOR A CURE:".
Currently, our school lobby is a sea of yellow, including 11 festive, yellow jars that symbolize CURE’s signature color. These jars, which are currently empty, are waiting to be filled with coins! Each jar represents a grade (9th and 10th grade will work together). As the jars are filled, weekly totals will be tallied with the help of our students and results will be updated on our school's brand new "Care-o-Meter" visible outside the cafeteria and in the carpool pick up area.
To invite some well-spirited competition, the grade that fills their jar with the most money will win a prize at the end of the month. Classes in grades pre-K – 3rd will compete for prizes as well as classes in Grades 4 through 10. Ms. Kelly, our school counselor, will outline these prizes in greater detail in a separate email, as well as provide instructional information to help teachers and families tie this outreach initiative into our monthly character themes of caring and kindness.
In addition to jars, Fulton Science Academy Private School has set up a secure, online giving portal where families, relatives, businesses, or any Mustang supporter can make a gift to support the “Coins for a Cure” outreach initiative.
To donate online, please click here:
They say that charity begins at home, and I imagine that your children will start by asking you, perhaps daily, for spare change to fill their jars. I implore you to please inspire our students to look outside our homes and school, and to empower them to become active PERSONAL fundraisers by asking for community support to help us exceed our goal of $1000.00.
By reaching out into our neighborhoods and local communities, we achieve more than just a higher total for charity…we have the opportunity to show the community what wonderful, service-minded students we have at FSA.
There are many ways that children and families can take our fundraising efforts outside of FSA to raise money. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
· A lemonade stand;· A collection jar with the students in front of your favorite grocery store or shopping center;
· A car wash;
· Make collection jars to leave in parent’s offices or other public places or take your children to their parent’s office to collect donations (nobody can say no to that);
· Host an event at a restaurant and ask your grade / friends to attend. When they attend, a portion of the profits can be donated back to FSA. (This is a great way to get to know new FSA students and families);
· Have your child ask your business/company to please support this effort.
· Consider crowd-funding options for some of our older students who embrace technological advances in fundraising and are familiar with this platform.
· Speak to your child about donating a portion of their allowance to this charitable outreach initiative.
The possibilities are endless! All of the time spent raising money for this cause will count towards service hours for your child! In order to be successful, the kids need the full support of the parents and faculty! Room parents, please reach out to your teachers and ask how you can help. Teachers, please take some time to discuss with your students and ask them for their ideas.
Please send any photos you take of your children supporting CURE through their philanthropic efforts to media@fultonscienceacademy.org so that we can share these images with CURE and some of the local families whose children are fighting cancer right now.
Yellow ribbons have been distributed to the FSA faculty in the hopes that they will be worn throughout the month of September. There will be additional ribbons at the front desk if anyone needs them, or anyone else would like to wear one to show their philanthropic support.
In addition to decorations and month-end rewards, our parent volunteer committee is also working with the administration to plan a month-end pep rally for the children on September 29, when we will present our check to CURE and celebrate our efforts to help find a cure.
Let’s show all within our view that “FSA Cares for CURE!” What better way to demonstrate our monthly character traits for September of caring and kindness than through charity work? After all, who is more caring and kind than our precious FSA students? Please start saving your coins and sending them in! Feel free to call me if you have any questions or concerns. And thank you in advance for your support!
Warmest Regards,
Aimee Nobile
Coins for a Cure Committee Chair, MSO Mom, and Proud FSA Mom
Cell: 404-271-7597
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