
Thursday, March 3, 2016


FSAPS Elementary students visited the Alliance Theatre this past Thursday, February 25th. They were transported through theatre to the magical land of Narnia while watching the play The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe! This play is based on the books The Chronicles of Narnia and tells a story of 4 siblings that travel through their wardrobe into a new land. Students loved watching the actors in this land of Narnia as they encountered new creatures, and faced many adventures. In the land of Narnia, we watched as The White Witch attempted to take control of the entire land. The strong and magical lion, Aslan, helped the siblings defeat the white witch and rule the land of Narnia where all the creatures were happy! The stage props, lighting, and being able to sit in the balcony of the theatre made this experience extra special for our elementary students! After the show, we enjoyed a quick snack and juice before heading back to school. The students loved talking about their favorite parts of the play on their way back to school. It was a great day for our elementary students!

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